
Pricing That Just Makes Sense

When our CEO conducted research across Europe and the industry, he uncovered three crucial insights:


The average gross salary for a full-time executive assistant in central, western, and northern Europe is €3896 (excluding additional costs like food, vacation, office equipment, and sick leaves).


Hiring full-time assistants often leads to wasted hours and HR headaches. When they don’t have enough to do, they end up on social media or pretending to be busy. And finding someone part-time? Good luck. It’s like trying to find a Michelin-star chef happy to flip burgers on weekends—top talent doesn’t settle for scraps.

Pricing Model

If you’ve given up on finding that part-time unicorn… or hiring someone for 3896€+ who spends half the day rearranging their desk plants… turning to an agency is a smart move. With the right agency, you get a full-time, elite virtual EA available to you on a part-time basis, delivering pure value without HR hassles. But beware ; more than 93% of agencies still charge you “by the hour.” That might make sense, but if you think about it… it doesn’t.

Do you really care about the hours worked… or do you care about the added value of that work?

If you believe in results, you’ll love our pricing model.

It’s the only one in the industry based on how many hours you save, not how many hours we work.

Not bad, huh?

But why stop there…

To add an extra layer of awesome, we’re offering a special bonus for new clients to experience the DonnaPro difference. Sign up by 21.09.2024 and get 50% off your first month.

Limited time only*

2,500 € / mo

*Only 2,500€ 1,250€ for the first month. No long-term commitment required.

It’s The Perfect Solution For Top-Notch Support Without Breaking The Bank”

“Hiring a Donna EA has been incredibly cost-effective. Instead of multiple full-time employees for various tasks, my EA handles everything efficiently. The savings have allowed us to reinvest in other critical areas. It’s the perfect solution for top-notch support without breaking the bank.”

Rene Trupej
CEO & Founder
Marketing Agency Industry

“Donna’s personalized service is evident in every interaction. My EA knows my preferences and anticipates my needs, making my day-to-day operations run smoothly. It’s the small, thoughtful touches that make all the difference.”

Andrea Stopar
CEO & Co-Founder
Health Products Industry

“I was amazed at how quickly my Donna EA integrated into our team. Within weeks, they were up to speed and contributing meaningfully. The rapid onboarding minimized disruption and maximized value from the start.”

Robi Slane
CEO & Founder
Real Estate Industry

How DonnaPro Measures Up Against The “Competition”

Cheap admin virtual assistants In-house Solutions
Cost 2,500 € per month (All-Inclusive) Hourly, multiplied by each role Salary + benefits, management, equipment and training costs
Time Savings Up to 60 hours saved per month with streamlined processes Varies, often less time saved due to inefficiency Time savings depend on in-house systems and processes
Skill & Expertise Highly skilled, Europe-based, specialized in EA role that serves CEOs and founders Varies widely, often only basic admin tasks Skilled but requires time to train and onboard
Performance Management Internal management and quality assurance processes Minimal None
Starting Date Few weeks Few days 1-3 Months (Hiring Process)
Onboarding Seamless onboarding & ongoing training Minimal to no onboarding or support Requires extensive internal resources
Back-up Support Consistent support with a back up team Only if you have multiple assistants Only if you have multiple assistants
Cultural & Language Fit European-based, culturally aligned, fluent in English Language and cultural barriers common Fully aligned with company culture and language
Customization & Personalization Tailored to your business needs, ongoing adjustments Basic tasks, minimal customization High level of customization but time-consuming
Technology & Tools Proficient with the latest tools, including AI Basic knowledge, often limited to common tools Requires company-provided tools and training
Confidentiality & Security Strong confidentiality protocols, GDPR compliant Varies, potential security risks High security but depends on internal policies
Flexibility & Scalability
Easily scalable as your business grows
Limited by individual VA capacity Scalable but requires significant investment

Why Not Just Hire “Any” Assistant?

The crucial difference between hiring a “regular executive assistant” or a DonnaPro executive assistant is that any “solo assistant” works… well… solo.

Which is not bad, but neither is it great.

What if you could “partner up” with an AI-savvy European EA who comes with a backpack full of experts – business consultants, account managers, marketers and other seasoned executive assistants?

This is DonnaPro.

You will receive more added value on a part-time basis with than by hiring a solo full-time employee. For a fraction of the cost.

Hurry. Only a few slots left for next 7 days —book now!

You Have Questions, We Have Answers

Pricing, Results and ROI


If you will save me 60 hours, does that mean you will work for 60 hours?

Maybe. Maybe more. Maybe less. Here’s what you should know – our systems, processes, and skilled team are designed to be incredibly efficient. With the help of advanced AI tools like ChatGPT, our executive assistants can achieve the desired outcomes in much less time compared to the average assistant in your home country. Whether it takes us 12, 26, 56, or even 80 hours, the focus still isn’t on the hours worked but on the 60 hours we save you each month. And that we will.

Absolutely. By taking over your time-consuming tasks, our EAs free you up to focus on growth strategies, innovation, and other high-impact activities that drive your business forward.

First of all – if you never had an assistant, you (in 99% of cases) do not need a full-time assistant from the get go. So, in that case, the question is pretty irrelevant because we both know that if you would go out and look for a part-time hire by yourself, there is no way you would find a great person on your own (because anybody great, usually wants to have a full-time career). But even if you would somehow need and want full-time help (either freelance or in-house), you still need to find it… train it… and then figure out all the systems to streamline your processes. Which as you know – takes a bunch of time. With DonnaPro, on the other hand, you get connected (without any real effort on your part) with an exceptional virtual EA who works with us full-time but is available to you on a part-time basis. And yes – she (or he) comes equipped with a backpack full of experts – business consultants, account managers, marketers, and other seasoned executive assistants whose main job is to save you more time and create more added value than if you would hire a full-time assistant.

Pricing is straightforward. The basic package costs 2,500€ per month. No other hidden monthly costs. If at some point you feel you need more support, we expand your “package.” That is it. See more in the pricing section.

We get it—starting small can feel like a safer bet. But here’s the truth: 60 hours of saved time is where the magic happens. Anything less? It’s just not going to move the needle. Our experience shows that saving 10 or 20 hours won’t deliver the game-changing impact you’re after. We’re here to help you make big strides, not just baby steps. That’s why we’re all in on the 60-hour package—it’s the sweet spot where your investment in an executive assistant truly pays off.

Yes, there is a one-time “setup fee” of 1,000€. Here’s why ; when you commit to working with DonnaPro, our process doesn’t start on day one with your assistant diving into tasks because that would be like trying to tango in flip-flops. Instead, we invest the first 14 days in getting to know your business, understanding your unique needs, and matching you with the perfect executive assistant. This period includes comprehensive onboarding, consultations, internal team meetings, and kick-off sessions designed to set the foundation for a successful partnership.

By the time your assistant officially starts on day 15, they’re fully equipped and ready to make an immediate impact on your business. The regular fee of 2,500€ begins from day 15 onward. The 1,000€ “setup fee” ensures that these first crucial 14 days are dedicated entirely to understanding your business and setting up for success, allowing us to tailor our services specifically to your needs.

If your business is growing and you need even more support, we’ve got you covered. As your needs evolve, our EAs can seamlessly take on additional tasks and projects to save you even more time. Just let us know, and we’ll scale up the support to match your expanding business.

While it’s a compliment we cherish, bringing your EA in-house is pretty rare. Why? Because you’re not just working with one person—you’re tapping into a full team of experts, including consultants, account managers, quality manager, and your EA. To duplicate this powerhouse of support, you’d need to recruit an entire crew! But if you still want to explore the idea, we’ve got procedures and options in place. Just reach out to us for the details.

Beyond your EA, you’ll have access to a whole team of experts, from business consultants to account managers. This ensures you’re never left without the guidance or assistance you need to succeed.

We understand. While your business is indeed unique, we’ve worked across 110+ different industries, and we’re confident we can help you too. The only no-go for us are businesses that are shady, unethical… or just plain weird.

Getting Started

We do business in over 80% of European countries, so yours is likely included. The only countries where we are currently not active are Russia, Ukraine, Turkey, Serbia, Bosnia, Kosovo, North Macedonia, Macedonia, and Belarus.

During the session, we ask targeted questions to understand your needs and goals, ensuring we are fit to help you reach your goals. We are assuming you will also ask some questions, and once you do, we will both decide if we want to move forward or not. Even if the answer is ‘no,’ you’ll still leave with valuable insights and actionable steps to boost your efficiency and reclaim your time.

It’s pretty easy. Once you apply, we’ll take you through our well-crafted onboarding process… and then match you with the DonnaPro EA who best fits your needs.

Yes. This will be one of your most important team members if not the most important one, and having them on a “verbal agreement” would be really… how should we say it… stupid. And not responsible. So yes – we will sign a contract. It is elementary and on point, but unlike the majority of other companies, we do not tie you down with a binding contract for a month, three months, or even six months. When you start, we offer a zero-commitment policy for the first 60 days. If you’re unsatisfied in that period, we’ll work with you to find a better match or part ways with no hard feelings and no notice period.

Yes, we understand the importance of making sure everything clicks. That’s why we offer a zero-commitment policy for the first 60 days, giving you time to see how well your EA fits your needs.

It’s just amazing. You have never seen anything like that when working with any “agency,” “contractor,” or “service provider.” Get on the call and see what we are all about.

We know that choosing who to work with is a big decision. However, to save you time, we handle the entire vetting and matching process. Our system is designed to find the perfect match for your needs, so you won’t need to go through the interview process yourself. Trust us—we’ve refined this to a science, ensuring you’re paired with a top-notch assistant who’s ready to hit the ground running.

We know your time is valuable, so we work quickly to get you paired with the perfect EA. However, due to high demand, we may have a short waiting list. We recommend checking our availability to secure your spot in line and start reclaiming your time as soon as possible.

When Things Don’t Go As Planned

Yes. While our thorough onboarding and matching process makes this scenario rare, we understand that finding the perfect fit is crucial. If you feel your current EA isn’t the right match, we’ll swiftly work on finding a better fit within our team to ensure your needs are met seamlessly.

It’s unlikely, but we understand that it might happen. Because we are so confident in what we have, we are one of the few (if not the only) Executive Assistant Agencies that do not tie you down with a binding contract for a month, three months, or even six months. When you start, we offer a zero-commitment policy for the first 60 days. If you’re unsatisfied during that period—whether we fell short or you didn’t fully engage—we’ll work with you to find a better match or part ways with no hard feelings and no notice period.

At DonnaPro, we take great care during our onboarding process to ensure that we’re a good fit for each other. This process helps us identify clients who align with our values and are committed to a productive partnership. However, if it turns out that you’re not engaging with our team or are consistently disrespectful, we reserve the right to end the relationship. We believe in mutual respect and collaboration—if that’s not happening, it’s better for both parties to part ways.

DonnaPro is all about flexibility. As your business evolves, so can your EA’s role. Whether you need additional support, a shift in focus, or a completely new skill set, we adapt to your changing needs seamlessly.

While this is highly unlikely, we do understand that, in theory, it might happen. That is why we are creating systems (standard operating procedures ) while we are working with you so that in case EA leaves, somebody else from our team can easily take over because the majority of important things are written down.

What if I have further questions?

That is great. That means that you are interested.

One option is that you sign up for a free 30-minute strategy session where we will answer your questions and see if we are a great FIT for each other.

However, if you prefer to avoid talking to other people (ha) or need to gather more data before you apply, we have something special just for you.

We created the most extensive FAQ section in the whole industry.

Why? Well – one of our core values is transparency, and we do not want to withhold any information from you. So, with that being said… here is an expanded FAQ section.